Privacy policy

Please read this privacy policy before engaging in any transactions on If you do not agree with the privacy policy, please refrain from using the website. This privacy policy is applicable to and does not have binding effect on other sites mentioned on By using this privacy policy, you are agreeing to the terms of

Personal information

In order to introduce our activities and exhibitions to you, as well as to keep you informed about our activities, may need to collect your personal, unique information such as your name, address, email address, and phone number on the website. If the existing information is insufficient, additional information may be requested from you through communication tools such as email or phone. All information collected within this scope is considered personal information on the website.

Sharing of information

Protecting personal information is one of the main principles ot the website. may share non-personal, detailed information (such as the operating system used, the gender of visitors etc.) with third parties for information purposes. Personal information, as defined, is not shared with third parties unless legally required by us.

Automatically collected non-personal information

During your visit to the website, we may use technologies that allow us to collect certain technical information such as your internet protocol address, your computer’s operating system, browser type, traffic patterns, or the address of any relevant websites. To obtain more detailed information about our visitors, information files referred to as “cookies” may be sent to your computer by our website. These files contain technical information related to the system you are using and are widely used worldwide.

Security takes the necessary technological precautions for the absolute security of data. However, no technological system is 100% secure. We want you to know that takes measures to prevent or minimize risks such as misuse or unauthorized access to personal information and publishes informative content in this regard.

Accuracy of collected data may change or delete this privacy policy, the site or access to these pages without notice if it deems necessary.


Only those who can make legally binding contracts under the laws in force can benefit from this site and the services on this site. By using this site, you represent and warrant that you are at least eighteen (18) years old and/or (ii) you have the legal capacity to make legally binding contracts under the laws in force in any other way. 

This site is a digital platform where the activities of the museum  are exhibited. The visitor agrees not to access files or programs that are not accessible using software and programs they possess. Otherwise, in cases such as damages arising from their fault, as well as the existing damages, they accept to fully compensate any other kind of damage that ITCM has suffered. 

The visitor must not engage in behavior (spam, virus, chain mail, Trojan horse, etc.) that will prevent other users from benefiting from the website, nor must they harass or threaten other users.

The visitor must not record, use, or publish personal data belonging to others.